Bliss Alchemy Academy


Welcome to the Bliss Alchemy Academy!! We are seriously SO honored to have you here. 

My dharma, life purpose, is TO NOURISH. 

I am excited to share with you the ancient ways of Ayurveda and how these principles directly translate into modern life. 

THANK you for choosing health, happiness and peace in this moment.  

Cheers to you! 


We, Radha & Aaron Schwaller, started Bliss Alchemy, LLC  in 2008.  This business grew out of our desire to raise and nurture our family with holistic health practices.  We quickly became passionate about sharing vibrant health with our community to assist all those ready in releasing the layers of stress that keep us away from our true essence.  

When we became pregnant with our oldest daughter in 1999, we both knew that there was a different way to live that supported the whole health of the person.  We quickly found out that this included healthy food, herbs, massage, aromatherapy, nature immersion and other holistic health practices. We wanted to raise our family naturally and in alignment with nature.  We are passionately committed to helping others find their own way on this path.   Please join us and explore YOUR BLISSFUL SELF!

We now live next to the Rocky Mountains in Boulder, CO and are honored to bring the deep nourishment of Ayurveda to you and your family. 

About Radha Schwaller

Radha is a devoted wife, mother, herbalist, aromatherapist, Certified Ayurvedic Educator and Practitioner, Ayurvedic Body Therapist and Ayurvedic Postpartum Doula.

Radha has incorporated holistic health into her and her families’ lives for almost two decades.  Her Holistic Health journey began in 2001 during a herbal medicine apprenticeship in the deciduous forests of the Midwest.

In 2001, she also became certified in Reiki levels one and two. It was within this training that she awakened her love for the subtle and powerful energy medicine.  In 2007 she completed 800 hours in massage therapy training. Her Ayurvedic training began at Kayakumari School of Ayurveda where she studied Ayurveda foundations, herbal medicine making, nutrition, Ayurvedic Body therapies, Panchakarma and received her Certificate in Ayurvedic Education in 2008.  Radha received her Wise Earth Ayurveda Practitioner certificate in 2012. She has studied aromatherapy for over 15 years and is working toward her certification as an Aromatherapist with East West School of Aromatic Studies.  She has trained with DONA and Sacred Doula to assist mothers during labor and childbirth.  In 2018 she completed Core Synchronism level 1 and level 2 in 2019.   In 2020, Radha began the Dragontree Life Coach certification course and completed the Illuminator Life Coach training in 2021. 

 She is also honored to be have studied nutrition, pulse, herbs, spices and marma therapy with the late Ayurvedic Doctor, Vaidya Mishra, of the Shankya Vansya Ayurveda lineage and also with Maya Tiwari of Wise Earth Ayurveda®.

Radha weaves together her tapestry from ancient wisdom to create a healing journey that will deeply nourish every layer in your being and you will be smiling the whole time ;)